Monday, April 14, 2014

4/7 - 4/13

Mon: 6-miles
Tues: 200 (41) - 400 (89) - 600 (2:15) - 800 (3:04) - 1000 (3:53) - 800 (3:04) - 600 (2:15) - 400 (88) - 200 (40)
Wed: 7-miles
Thurs: 6x1000's on the Lake Johnson Chip Trail
Fri: 30min Exercise Bike
Sat: 10-miles
Sun: 10.5-miles (with some pace miles at RnR)
Total: 47.5 miles

Eh. I hate tapering. But, this is what I've apparently done before, and it has worked in the past.

Tuesday's track workout went pretty well. I was happy with my times. Although, the 1000m hurt! Anyways, I was fairly consistent across the repeats. Thursday's chip trail run went pretty well too. We did the first two conservatively, and then dropped the pace for the last four.

Saturday's run felt ok. I thought we were going faster, but it was still early, so I might have still been asleep. My hamstring/back still felt tight, so I took advantage of the "recovery zone" at RRO (aka the demo R8, foam rollers, and sticks) before work. That seemed to help.

Matt and I jumped in with the 1:40 group around the 10k mark of the Rock 'n Roll race. Two of our friends were pacing this group. The course starts to get kind of hilly around the 10k mark, and we figured that the 1:40 group would be pretty big and that they might be able to use some extra encouragement. We didn't drink any of the water/Gatorade, or use the porta-potties, and we jumped out well before the finish line. And, one of our friend's Achilles was bothering him a bit, which was exacerbated by the hills. So, Matt actually carried the pacing sign for about 2-miles to give him a break. We cheered on lots of people, and pointed out potential hazards (like some potholes and speed bumps, which were marked, but you had to be looking down). So, I hope we did more good than harm by being out there. It was good to practice 1:40 pace on some hills. It didn't feel that bad.

Several of our friends were running or pacing, and a few were pushing disabled children in wheelchairs. It looked like a well-organized event, the bands were good, there were a lot of people out there cheering, and there were a lot of runners. The Rock 'n Roll race definitely got a lot of people running who normally wouldn't run, which I consider a good thing. I hope local races start getting more attention!

1 more week...

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