Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6/9 - 6/15

Mon: 6-miles, core
Tues: 1600m (6:28), 1200m (4:43), 800m (3:03), 600m (2:15), 400m (84), 200m (41), 8x100m strides on the minute
Wed: 4-miles; spin class
Thurs: 2x2-miles on Dashwell course
Fri: 4-miles
Sat: Swim- 1000m; 12-miles
Sun: 7.5-miles, core
Total: 46.5 miles

Monday's run felt better than Sunday's run, although I was kind of tired. And, it's definitely summer!

Tuesday's track workout went pretty well despite the heat. I actually hit the actual (as in non heat-adjusted) paces I wanted to. My leg didn't really hurt either. The 100's felt weird though. I could feel my hamstring/hip more then. I felt out of balance running straight. I hesitate to say that I am in better shape than I think because my weekly mileage isn't that high. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm able to hit paces on a track workout solely because I'm not doing enough outside of track. However, more mileage makes my leg hurt more, which is also detrimental. It's a catch 22. Maybe more cross training.

Wednesday's run was fine and spin class was fun. I was happy Lisa got there so I didn't have to brave class alone. And they had towels for like the first time in a month! My knee still hurts a bit when transitioning between standing and sitting (and vice versa), but not nearly as bad as last week.

Thursday's workout went well too. My 2-mile repeats were remarkably consistent even though the second one was in the "sucky direction" (more uphill). It didn't feel too awful either.

Friday's run was ok. I tried my Newton's that I got for pacing the Tobacco Road Marathon. I didn't not like them (more on that later), so I might make them my "short morning run" shoes. Anyways, I forgot to start my watch, so it might not have been bad because it was slow (I was definitely still a bit stiff from the previous night's workout). It was kind of nice not knowing and just accepting that I ran. I might start not using my Garmin for everything like I used to. I'm torn though. I also use my easy run pace as a gauge of how recovered I am.

I did the "swim" with Keith for the Zinc Man Triathlon for his 30th birthday (swim 30min - bike 30miles - run 30k - drink 30oz of beer). It went pretty good. I realize that I really don't mind swimming. And, they had long course set up, which was nice. I managed to get in 1000m. As we were right up the street from Raleigh Running Outfitters, I drove there and ran on the greenway. The run went pretty well. 12 miles is the longest I've run in a few weeks. It probably helped that I was running solo, so I didn't feel the need to try and run anyone else's pace. Listening to music also helped. In fact, I don't remember crossing over North Hills Dr. on the way back. I was thinking that it was getting to be a long run and I still had a bit to go, then I saw the foot bridges by the dam. So, I was at least 1.5-miles further along than I thought. That made me happy, so I decided to run a lap around Shelly Lake. The run would have been perfect if I didn't have to go back up Longstreet. 

Sunday's run was also ok. It was nice to sleep in! Also, 7.5-miles put me squarely in the "upper 40's" again. Wahooo! 

I plugged in my current (20:20) and goal (19:30) 5k times into the McMillan pace calculator to see what I should be running. I am slightly confused by the color coding conventions (I'm not sure if the color code beside the workout type corresponds to the race color code), but here's the plan:

Easy Runs: 7:37-8:38
Long Runs: 7:42-8:57
Tempo Intervals: 6:42-6:56
Tempo Run: 6:47-7:05
Steady Run: 7:06-7:25

200's: 37-41 (s)
400's: 77-87 (s), 87-92 (r)
600's: 2:05-2:14 (s), 2:14-2:21 (r)
800's: 3:02-3:11 (r)
1000's: 3:51-4:05 (r)
1200's: 4:42-4:58 (r)
1600's: 6:30-6:42 (r)
* s = sprint, r = repeat (speed pace)

I need to step up my game on the tempo stuff. Actually, I just need to start doing any of the tempo stuff on a regular basis!

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