Wednesday, June 4, 2014

5/26 - 6/1

Mon: Bike ~20.5-miles
Tues: 3x1200m (4:34,32,36), 2x400m (83, 85)
Wed: 6-miles
Thurs: 6-miles
Fri: 4-miles
Sat: Running of the Bulls 8k; 5-miles
Sun: 6-miles
Total: 40.5 miles

Another training week down the drain. Not really, but that's what it feels like. I didn't do any core workouts this week because my back and hips really hurt from pilates on Sunday. Work screwed up Wednesday and Thursday, and I didn't get a long run in this weekend owing to racing and volunteering. So, my mileage was low, and the race didn't go that well.

On Monday, we did a group ride from Cocoa Cinnamon in Durham. I haven't been on my bike in over a year. I was pretty nervous at first. And, I think my knuckles were white the whole ride. The first time I went to un-clip, I couldn't remember which side I usually un-clip to. Oh well. It was fun after I calmed down a bit. And, I got to see my friend Nicole!

Tuesday's track workout went well. We were supposed to run the 1200's as an acceleration, and I pretty much did. My times were half decent for them too. And, my first 400m was definitely the fastest I've run in a year. I forgot what I was doing the first 200m. My instinct is to go out fast, and I did... I came through in 40sec... faster than any of the 200's last week. Glad to know I can still do that.

We went to Winston-Salem on Wednesday and didn't get back until late, so Matt and I ran together. We got stuck in traffic coming back from Durham on Thursday. It was pretty ridiculous. We ended up running around the trails/greenways at Lake Crabtree because that was as far as we had made it by 6PM. The run wasn't bad, but I kind of expected traffic to be cleared up an hour later!

The Running of the Bulls 8k didn't go that well. I ran a 34:22, which is well off what I should run... more like half marathon pace. The first 2-miles were ok. I think I was a little conservative because I wanted to run steady (which it looks like I pretty much did from my splits) so I could get a good benchmark. My hamstring was really pretty tight by mile 3, and my legs burned on the uphill. I was yo-yoing back-and-forth with two girls. I would catch up on the uphills, and they would catch me on the downhills. It took me a while to recover between miles 3 and 4. Every time I'd try and push it a little, my leg felt like it had an elastic band in it that was an inch too short. The races finished downhill though and into the stadium. I was able to pick it up decently for the last half mile, and the bit in the stadium was like a track race. My back and hamstring were pretty tight afterwards though. On a plus note, my teammates (Matt, Kyle, Andrew, and Rita) all raced well, and we were the third team. I also got to see a lot of my "running friends" that I don't get to see as much. I'm debating racing my way back into shape.

I ran 5-miles Saturday after work so that I wouldn't have to run quite as far on Sunday morning when I was in a half-zombie state. My hamstring definitely still hurt... my right leg burned on every uphill. I ran on Sunday morning as soon as we got back from volunteering (I helped with parking for the Half Ironman from 4:30-7:30). My legs were a little looser, but still not great.

Eh. Hopefully this next week will be better. 

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