Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5/5 - 5/11

Mon: 6-miles
Tues: 3 sets of 4x400m w/ drills (89, 88, 86, 84; 90, 91, 94, 96; 91, 91, 89, 90)
Wed: 4-miles, spin class
Thurs: 5 x Chip Trail 1000's (4:02, 4:04, 4:05, 4:04, 4:07)
Fri: 6-miles
Sat: off
Sun: off
Total: 28 miles

Monday's run felt harder than it needed to be, and I was just sore on Wednesday morning's run. Friday mornings run was just a disaster. I felt awful the whole time. 

Tuesday's track workout started well. I felt pretty good on the first set of 400's. I was staying with the group, and we were getting faster through the set, as Sean had "suggested". Then, we did 15 burpees. I don't think I was recovered when we started the second set. I was more out of breath than I needed to be after the first one, which made the last 200m of the second one not so pretty... and the last two of that set pretty disastrous. I forgot how much not breathing sucks. And how tiring it is. Anyways, I slowed down a bit and made it through the rest of the workout.

Thursday's tempo chip trails were also... eh. We weren't supposed to be doing them all out, and it was pretty hot, but still. They felt a lot harder than a few weeks ago and they were slower. Maybe spin class takes more out of me than I think. Or maybe it was the pollen/dust.

So, short training week due to graduation, family being in town, etc. It was good to see them and spend time with them, and graduation was pretty good too. 


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