Tuesday, May 6, 2014

4/28 - 5/2

Mon: 6-miles
Tues: 5x800m (3:04, 3:04, 3:05, 3:03, 2:59) w/ drills
Wed: Spin Class
Thurs: 7-miles
Fri: 3.5-miles
Sat: 8-miles (tempo hills)
Sun: 8-miles
Total: 38 miles

I tried running for the first time since last Monday. It's amazing to me how much my legs can still hurt after a week. Swimming (fine save for my neck/shoulder), walking (fine), exercise bike (fine), elliptical (fine), running... holy crap! I felt like I was right back at mile 15 and I had only run like 5 steps out of Moore Square. Anyways, it was good to run again.

Tuesday's track workout was a welcome surprise. Somehow, my legs still remember track pace. Plus, I wasn't nearly as sore as Monday night, and the track is flat and soft compared to the road. Anyways, we were supposed to run "floating 800's", meaning 5k-pace for the first lap / 3k-pace for the second lap. I was more or less just trying to run, so I think mine were more evenly paced. Then we did drills (plank, pushups, form stuff, etc.) in between repeats. It was a solid workout, and my last 800 was the fasted of 2014... it's good to be un-marathon training!

The rest of the runs were... tiring. My legs feel kind of dead still. But, they're feeling kind of dead at a slightly faster pace each day (I still haven't run more than 8 miles). And, they don't hurt, so that's at least good! I even felt pretty good on the "tempo" hills on Saturday. We ran up corkscrew, ranger, and the hill out of Umstead at a "good effort". I forgot how long some of those hills are!

Anyways, I need to work on making my "easy" runs not quite as easy as I had been during marathon training. At least not all of them. Time to get back to the 8min range. Also, as I won't be running as many miles (aka I won't be dead when I get home), I think I'm going to try and work on some core strength. 

Other than that, spin class was fun!

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