Mon: 8-miles
Tues: 8 x 800m (3:08-3:15)
Wed: 10-miles
Thurs: 2-mile warmup + 4x1000 (4:02,04,06,07), 4x400m (94,95), 200m (44) + 2-mile cooldown
Fri: Off
Sat: 13-miles (part 1, part 2)
Sun: 13-miles (watch didn't start)
Total: 57 miles
The next time I get the bright idea to train for a marathon, I'm going to remind myself of these last few weeks. When I was writing my "January recap" I went back and looked at the
4 phases of the Daniel's training programming. I was thinking that
tempo was before interval. I'm relieved it's not. However, I also
decided to look up what paces I should try and hit for a 3:15 marathon.
Looks like my 800's (which I consider "intervals") and 400's (which I
consider "reps") have been pretty spot on (with the exception of this
week). I'm going to have to work on the threshold hold pace
(which I would consider 2-miles and up) a bit more though.
I ended up running longer (in one chunk) on Monday and Wednesday than I usually do (as in before 2014). I've been trying to get some easier miles in on these days so I don't have to "make up" a bunch of miles on the weekend... spread out the mileage over the other five days. I had been doing this mainly in the forms of doubles, which I know isn't the same as running the mileage flat out. So, I ran all of the miles in one chunk this week, and those runs went pretty well, no major complaints. They were easy though.
Tuesday was miserable. It was 39 degrees and pouring rain. I was basically soaked by the time I got to the track, and my feet were soaked after the first 800. I couldn't get my legs going, my breathing was awful, and I was cold and tired. I tried to do the first four with only 100m in between, but this just exacerbated my lack of breathing. Allison showed up by the second set (I had got there early), and I tried to keep up with her for a bit. That proved impossible, but it was good to know somebody else showed up (Sean had also, as had Nick, Jarett, Derrin, and Tom). I also shifted to 200m between each, and this seemed to help with breathing, but not pace. Oh well. It was still faster than I would have run on a treadmill (which I didn't have access to anyways) or an easy run. And my effort level was much greater than that pace would seem.
Thursday also didn't go great. I had the intention of "re-doing" Tuesday's track workout, except maybe extending the intervals a little bit to 1000m and only doing 5 of them. Centennial Campus Middle School is ~2-miles from the lab, so between warmup and cooldown, I was still looking at a 7-mile run. I was pretty tired on the first 1000m. The first 400m went fine, but I was really tired by the 800m. I figured it was the first one, I was running by myself, it would get better. It didn't. Same thing on the second one, except this was 2sec slower than the first. I revised my "goal pace" from 5k (~3:57) to "as long as I'm faster than 10k" (~4:05). By the third 1000m, I was another 2sec slower (which brought me over 10k pace), and I really wanted to stop. I decided that I'd only make myself do one more, and then run the last as 400-400-200. The last one was 1sec slower still, and the 400's and 200 were not on pace either. The track felt long, especially the straightaways. I don't know if the mileage is getting to me, or if I'm just tired, or what, but I felt like crap.
I took Friday off. I was planning on meeting Mike D. at 6AM at the Cary shop to run for what would hopefully be my longest run since the Umstead Marathon last year. But, around 8:30 that night, Mike emailed me saying that he wouldn't be able to make it that early, which didn't really upset me. I wasn't looking forward to getting up at the a$$ crack of dawn, running 20 miles, and then working all day. So, I decided to run two 13 mile runs, which would make for a "marathon" weekend (my fist since starting training for Boston, even though I have come close).
Saturday's run went ok. I ran 4-miles to start by myself, 7-miles with Brandon, Chris, and Mike for a bit (until his back locked up), and then 2 more by myself. Those last two miles were pretty tiring. I think running by myself is getting to me, especially later in runs. I do much better when I'm running with people. On Sunday, I ran with Matt M. and the Raleigh Trail Runners for 10-miles. I haven't seen him in a long time, so it was good to catch up. I have no idea what our pace was because my watch didn't start, but I don't think we were going that fast (he had just done a difficult 20-mile trail race the weekend before). I went out for another 3-miles when I got back. Again, that was torture. My legs were also pretty tight by that point as well.
All and all, not the greatest week of training. I was pretty tired all week, and I kind of feel like I'm in a slump. I hope it's just the mileage getting to me and I just need to adapt to it. So, I guess I'll just keep forging ahead. I need to actually do a long long run soon though. Maybe next week. Also, I am very sick of winter. It's supposed to snow Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Hopefully I can get a track workout in before it starts raining on Monday.
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