Sunday, September 29, 2013

9/23 - 9/29

Mon: 6-miles
Tues: 8 x 800m (3:07, 3:07, 3:05, 3:06, 3:05, 3:06, 2:59)
Wed: 6.5-miles
Thurs: 8.5-miles (10 x 2min on / 2min off)
Fri: Swim!  (50-100-200-300-300-200-100-50 w/ 100yd pull in between)
Sat: 15-miles (5-miles, 10-miles w/ break for Galloway kickoff)
Sun: 10-miles (with some "good effort" miles in the beginning)
Total: 52 miles

Tuesday's track workout went better than usual. And I am completely satisfied with my decision not to do a fall marathon, because that would have meant 11 800's, and that sucks. Also, as I am training for a half marathon now, I decided that I should run them a wee bit faster than I had for the rest of the summer (although I guess it's officially fall now), and I did! All summer long, I have been hitting 3:07-3:10-ish with maybe one or two a few seconds slower. Now, the awesome weather we've been having as of late definitely helped, but I don't care I still ran faster. Plus, I didn't really have anyone to really consistently run with. Oyler ran with me for 3 and 4 (which helped pull those a bit faster), and Scott started off slower and then pulled ahead of me somewhere around 500-600m on the last half of the workout, and chasing him helped a bit.

Since Matt's calf/achilles is still bugging him, he decided not to run on Thurs. Plus, we had to be at the lab semi-early because we had meetings all day. So, by 4 o'clock-ish, I was pretty tired and really didn't feel the need to drive anywhere to run. That and I wanted to do somewhat of a tempo workout, and I find that hard to do in a group run if they don't have the same plan. So, I decided to run from the lab, with a detour by Lake Johnson since I haven't run there in a bit. I settled on running 10x 2min on / 2min off, although I'm not sure how "on" I was since I was running by myself. Oh well, it was still better than nothing.

I ran 15-miles on Saturday. It went much better than the last time I ran this distance. However, I did have ~25min break in between the 5-mile and 10-mile run that I did to get to 15-miles (Galloway Run from store). Oh well, it's still a long run I guess. And I did 10-miles on Sunday with some "good effort" miles in the beginning. We ran part of the City of Oak's course, which was good. Other than that, nothing really eventful. I've been feeling a little better lately, which gives me hope for the 5k I'm planning on doing next Saturday. Unfortunately, I don't think that Matt is going to be able to run with me because he twisted his knee on Saturday. 

In other news, I turned 30 on Wed. I'm old!

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