So, as I've previously mentioned, I've missed running with my "running friends". I do run with a group of people on Monday around where I work, which is awesome, and I catch some other runs here and there. But, I figured I'd share the pros and cons of learning to run by myself.
On a positive note, I've gotten better at not getting lost. I've been able to successfully run a handful of different out-and-back and lollipop routes from my house. This is not trivial. I have an awful sense of direction. It took a few months, and a couple of failed attempts, like the time I run out 3-miles and wound up with 7.5-miles for the day, but I'm checking it off.
I've also mostly gotten over my fear of dogs. I can coexist on the same side of the street with them. And, one day when I was running, there was an SPCA or APS or some rescue animal fundraising event going on, and I managed to run that 3-mile section of my run WITH dogs around. Now, most weren't the people-eating breed (yes, this is a legit dog breed in my head), but I'm checking it off and giving myself a smiley face.
On the negative side of things, intersections are still kind of a problem for me, and I can't see snakes until I'm right next to them. Also, and this is the most ridiculous, drainage ditches. Yes. So, there are drainage ditches on either side of the greenway around where I work. Right after the time change in the fall, I was running with my crappy headlamp on, and I was actually feeling pretty good. Suddenly there was nothing under my right foot. And, then, there was nothing under my left foot. HOLY CRAP. What was I falling into? How deep was it? What was going to be at the bottom? It is amazing how many thoughts can go through your head in a short amount of time. I got to the bottom uninjured, but completely freaking out. It wasn't that deep, but it wasn't that shallow either. It was over my head, but I could climb out, which must have looked pretty silly to the people driving by.
So, to recap, I can find my way back home and I'm not as afraid of dogs, but I'm still a spaz.
This post makes me happy and also miss you a lot. Can you please venture out of Durham and back to Raleigh soon ? Please and thank you :)