Mon: 6-miles
Tues: 4x1000m (3:56-4:00), 4x400m (87-89)
Wed: 6-miles
Thurs: 7-miles (North Hills, but not hard)
Fri: 6-miles
Sat: 11-miles (90min)
Sun: Swim (1300yd ladder w/ 100yd pull, 5x50yd hard, 200yd cooldown, 150yd aquajog)
Total: 41.5 miles
Time to start re-building a base! Monday's and Wednesday's runs both felt good. However, I was up late both Tuesday and Wednesday night, and that started to take a toll by Thursday. Also, I've felt like I was on the brink of getting a head cold all week, and it was freaking hot and humid on Thursday and Friday. So, neither of those runs were that awesome.
Tuesday's track workout was ok. I really didn't have anyone to run with on the 1000's, so that was a little challenging. They were still a little fast (they were supposed to be at 10k, so I was aiming 4:05-4:10), but not as fast as I've been able to do them before. The 400's were a slight shock to the system, I haven't run that fast in a while. Again, they were fast for what they were supposed to be (aka 5k pace, which would be ~1:35), but not as fast as I was doing them over the summer. So, I don't know where that leaves me.
I had intended to do more of a tempo run on Thursday, but I felt like crap after the first mile so that didn't really happen. I also cut it "short"... 7 instead of 8. I was tired, my breathing was off, and my shins and feet hurt. This usually happens if my legs are a little swollen, and they did feel heavy. I'm guessing this might have been due to the sudden return of spring, because it was pretty hot and humid. Anyways, I'm supposed to be working on re-building a base, so slowing down isn't the worst thing in the world. Plus, I still was running on North Hills, which is difficult regardless of the pace owing to the hills. And, I have to remember, I didn't run a whole lot the last 1.5+ weeks, especially at any intensity, so...
I decided to run Friday morning since it was supposed to be disgusting this weekend. Matt and I did an easy run from the house. By Saturday morning, it was already getting disgusting. It was raining when we started, and it was cold. Once we got moving, it was ok, but it was still kind of raw outside. We ended up doing 90min (45min out-and-back... the two halves were surprisingly even split) versus gate-to-gate. That put us at 11-miles, which was 1-mile short of what I ideally wanted to run. But, it was gross out, so at least I did something.
Sunday's swim felt good. It was again miserable outside (even colder and more steady drizzle than the day before), so I'm not too upset I didn't run. Plus, I probably swam for an hour, and it was at least as good a workout as running easy for that length of time. I'm guessing my heart rate was even a bit higher, and it was definitely a better core workout. I need to convince myself that cross training really does make me a better runner.
Maybe I'll try a short double next week (although the first half of the week looks pretty miserable). Or, maybe start working on core strength more. Or, maybe both. I would like to be at 45+ miles by next week. My goal is to start the year in the 50-mile range again. But, that's going to be hard with traveling!
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