Mon: 6-miles
Tues: 4x400m (98,3,2,2); 6x800m (3:17,15,16,11,16,19); 4x200m strides
Wed: 6 sets of 200yd swim / 200yd pull, 100yd cooldown, 100yd aqua jog
Thurs: 8-miles (North Hills Drive)
Fri: 90min Hot Yoga
Sat: 12-miles
Sun: 8-miles
Total: 40.5 miles
Decided to add one day back of running this week. That and I wasn't sure how bad Tuesday's weather was going to be. So, I added back Monday, and it felt ok. Wednesday's swim workout was nothing to write home about, although it felt pretty good. Friday's yoga went well too, although she had us lay on our back and straighten our leg up in the air and I heard something creaking, cracking, and/or popping in my right leg. It was weird. Like the front of my leg... kind of my knee... but not really. I'm not sure what that was about, but it started doing that when my knee was bugging me in the spring.
Tuesday's track workout was somewhat miserable. It was cold, windy, and raining/sleeting/snowing. And the wind was on the "finishing straightaway". We were supposed to do 6x800m at half marathon pace and 4x400m at 10k pace. Matt and I started a little early and did the 400's first so that we could to the 800's with the group. The first one was at goal 10k pace, then I sped up a bit because who really does 400's at 10k pace?! I'm guessing the first one was a little bit slower too because we were finishing into the wind/sleet and probably still getting warmed up. The rest were still a bit slower than usual (although significantly faster than the first), but it was gross and we were technically supposed to be going slower than usual. The 800's were more consistent, although again slower than usual. But, again, they were supposed to be. We did 4x200m strides to finish the workout (there was some grumbling about the number of 800's, but I figured they were more important than the 400's, so I decided that's where we would cut the workout, although Matt and I had actually already done them).
Thursday's run didn't feel that great. I felt like I was struggling to keep up, then I just let myself get dropped once we got to North Hills. Matt stayed with me, which was good. I tried to "comfortably push" the run. My hamstring kind of hurt though... and I didn't have my inhaler... and I was kind of tired. We took it a little easier on the way back and stayed with a guy who had fallen off the pack (he's coming back from an injury). We got beeped at when we were running on the sidewalk. That's a new one!
Saturday's and Sunday's runs both felt pretty good. I wasn't sure how far I was going to run on Saturday, but I felt pretty good and decided to turn it around at 6-miles before I started not feeling good. Running flatter on the greenway definitely helped, but I still didn't want to push it too much above what I did last week. I ran a new section of the greenway (for me) on Sunday with the group. It was nice to run with them again, and we semi-pushed Centennial Campus Parkway and it didn't feel awful. My right leg seems to get tired quicker than my left though. Oh well. My hamstring still hurts sometimes, but more when I'm sitting versus running.
We're leaving this Friday for my cousin's wedding and Thanksgiving, so I'm not sure how much training I'm going to get in. It will be a good break, even if I don't thing that at the time. I'll see how I feel Wednesday about adding in that day of running. I might try and squeeze yoga in some morning and run "long" on Friday morning. We'll see. I'm not sure what the schedule in the lab is this week. We seem to be having a lot of meetings!
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